Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We left Coral Bay this morning and moved on here to Carnarvon where we'll spend two nights shopping, shopping, shopping (food, alcohol and fishing gear to go on to Denham with).

Our last night in Coral Bay was wonderful. After 6 visits to the place, we finally discovered how much fun happy hour is at the pub. We went on Friday night and again last night with our fishing neighbours Kylie and Wayne and our non-fishing friends Borys and Janenne. We met some friends of Wayne and Kylie's and ran into our friends Ron and Irene, so it was a really good night. Happy hour starts at 5.30, finishes at 6.30 and we got home sometime after 8! I'd had the good sense to make a chicken curry and Wayne had made a fish curry before we went to the pub, so Russ cooked some rice, Kylie made a salad and we put it all together and ate around 9pm.

Coral Bay was lots of fun-great fishing, but a bit cool to do much snorkeling, so we have decided go back up there for 4 weeks in September so we can do some more! We'll be in Denham a month, go into Perth, fly to Bali, come home and head back up a few days later!

Carnarvon was really hit hard by storms earlier in the year-it suffered huge flood and most of the crops and plantations were damaged or destroyed. It's slowly recovering, but you really see evidence of the floods still. There used to be 3 service stations right near this caravan park-two are gone and the third next door is being rebuilt right now.

The Gascoyne river normally flows underground for most of the year so it's amazing to see water flowing on the surface, but also amazing to see the destruction it's caused as it flooded through the plantations.

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